Search Results: restoration c

Clinical Care Skin Solutions


By Matt Jones / October 21, 2021 / Comments Off on RESTORATION C VITAMIN C SERUM

Restoration is exactly what we mean! It’s time to restore your skin to its youthful healthy glow. This advanced concentrated formula infuses an optimal concentration of stabilized Vitamin C. High doses of topically-applied Vitamin C stimulate the regeneration process of Collagen Fibers. Vitamin C will diminish hyperpigmentation (age spots) and your skin will regain its natural smoothness, firmness and elasticity. “Have you had your vitamins today?”

This advanced concentrated formula infuses an optimal concentration of the highest forms of stabilized Vitamin C. Topically applied, it stimulates the regeneration process of Collagen fibers. Restoration C will diminish age spots, while your skin regains it’s natural firmness, smoothness and elasticity.

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UPs and Downs (Combination Skin)

By Matt Jones / February 15, 2023 / Comments Off on UPs and Downs (Combination Skin)



Clinical Care Skin Solutions


Is your skin on a daily rollercoaster? One day you’re dry and one day you’re oily? You probably have Combination skin. Oiliness, dryness and normal skin can all be present. Determining a Home Program can leave you very confused. That’s OK. This is one of the most popular skin types. For you the goal is to balance the oiliness and dryness, prevent future breakouts and enhance the overall glow of your skin.

Does this look familiar?

  • Blemishes and fine lines may be present at the same time.
  • Oiliness in the nose and check area, dryness in other areas.
  • Skin may appear drier in the morning and shinier in the afternoon.

Look Fabulous:

  • Don’t settle. Switching up your products throughout the year can help your skin adapt as seasons change. It’s ok to have a richer moisturizer for Winter and a lighter Moisturizer for Summer.
  • Indulge in a mask. Masks are a great way to instantly revitalize skin giving it a healthier glow while pampering yourself.

Look Not Fabulous:

  • Going to bed with your makeup on. This is a huge no-no. Cosmetics can clog pores leaving you battling breakouts and overall dullness.
  • Ignoring your eyes. This is the thinnest most delicate area on the face. Be sure to use an eye cream to soften fine lines and give a rested appearance.



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Simply Flawless (For Normal Healthy Skin)

By Matt Jones / February 15, 2023 / Comments Off on Simply Flawless (For Normal Healthy Skin)



You are the lucky one. Keep your skin flawless and healthy for your lifetime.

Does this look familiar?

  • Smooth, plump, glowing skin.
  • Small, tight pores.
  • No visible brown spots or sun damage.
  • Not dry, not oily, balanced skin.

Look Fabulous:

  • Always protect your skin when out in the sun.
  • Wear Sunshield SPF 30 moisturizer daily.
  • Cleanse, protect, hydrate, and exfoliate.

Look Not Fabulous:

  • Not wearing Sunshield SPF 30 Moisturizer daily.
  • Using harsh scrubs or chemicals on your skin.
  • Wearing makeup to bed.
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By Matt Jones / February 15, 2023 / Comments Off on DRIER THAN THE SAHARA (DRY SKIN)


Your skin feels tight and pore size is small or nearly invisible. You lack oil which makes your skin more sensitive and vulnerable to environmental stress and damage. If this sounds familiar you have dry skin. Our goal for you is to protect your skin and add moisture.

Does this look familiar?

  • Fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Dry, rough, flaky skin.
  • Dull, uneven appearance.

Look Fabulous:

  • Wear Sunshield SPF 30 Moisturizer in addition to your daily moisturizer to protect skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Make sure your moisturizers and serums are packed with Pharmaceutical Grade active ingredients like anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredient to help calm, repair and moisturize.
  • Use plant based oils such as Silky Serum in addition to your moisturize on drier areas.

Look Not Fabulous:

  • Using harsh soaps or products that include skin irritating ingredients such as alcohol.
  • Using abrasive scrubs. These products can affect your skin’s natural ability to protect and repair itself.
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Connect the Dots Kit

By Matt Jones / February 15, 2023 / Comments Off on Connect the Dots Kit

2 Sizes The Retail size and Bonus Sample Size

90% of us will struggle with acne at some time in our life. And unfortunately acne is an equal opportunity skin destroyer. It can affect you well into your 20’s and beyond. Determining what triggers your breakout can help you treat this condition.

Look Fabulous:

  • Using a gentle cleanser with salicylic acid can help un-clog pores and prevent breakouts.
  • Using the appropriate amount of product. Layering products heavily on the face can leave your skin feeling undesirable. A little goes a long way.
  • Use Clinical Care Skin Solutions Control Zone moisturizer to dry up oil and hydrate your skin.

Look Not Fabulous:

  • Popping pimples. This can lead to scarring, infections and dark spots on the skin. Resist the urge to pop and use Destroy Zit to speed up healing time.
  • Over cleansing can strip skin and cause it to become more oily. Be patient, be gentle and consistent.
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