Your Job may be harmful to your skin

Your Job May be Harmful to Your Skin!

There are many things to take into consideration when choosing a career. Vacation, stress level and opportunity for growth are really important, but what about work conditions for your skin???? You may think I’m crazy, but hey- you get one face you have to protect it!
It’s estimated that nearly 13 million workers in the Unites States are potentially exposed to chemicals that can be absorbed through their skin. These chemicals can cause skin irritations, allergic reactions, dermatis and even worse… cancer. In addition extreme heat, humidity and dust can cause clogged pores, redness and sensitivity.
Be sure to wear Restoration C Vitamin C serum to protect your skin throughout the day from harmful work conditions. A moisturizer such as Later Alligator will give you even more protection. Protect skin with gloves or a mask to prevent chemical interaction and be sure to wash your face as soon as you get home from work. This will help to remove dirt, oil, bacteria and that may clog your pores.

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